




伴随着清晨的第一缕阳光,我们迎来了一个新的早晨,每一天,都附带着希望的露珠,闪着新鲜的光芒,同学们,下个星期我们将再次迎来令人心动的期末考试,此时的你,是怎样的心情?在过去的时间里,我们收获着快乐,收获着成功。现在,终于,要给自己一个答案了 ....


面对即将到来的考试,我们要对自己有信心,有信心便会有热情、有动力,便会专注其中、倾力去做,因而成功的希望就会大得多。相反,你若总是胆怯,那么即便是最简单的事也谈不上成功,每件事都由信心开始,并由信心跨出第一步。有一句格言说得好:“自信是一根柱子,能撑起精神的广漠的天空,自信是一片阳光,能驱散迷失者眼前的阴影。” 要确立自信心,相信自己的潜能,战胜自己的惰性,以饱满的热情、积极自信的姿态走进复习,一定能磨练出良好的意志,取得优异的成绩,展示自己最美好的一面。



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leaders, members:

hello, everybody! my topic today is "a positive attitude."

communist party of china must xx birthday, and i think as a general laborer, in their hard paid ordinary post, quiet dedication is a tribute to the party best, the best return on the motherland.

we have to do a good job, first of all have a positive attitude. there is a formula of success, succe= goals + action + insisted + positive attitude. consistent positive attitude, succemust be quality.

bora milutinovic led the chinese team for the first time reached the world cup, which is by far the most successful session of china's national football team. milutinovic was made "happy football, attitude is everything" has become an event in football culture, other areas are keen to learn.

environment we face, there is only one approach but there will be two types: positive and negative. open the same window, one sees the stars in the sky, another to see the muddy ground. such a story. a conductor is performed, audiences around his neck hung a garland. when his command about, there will be a few petals falling. a man said he would stand in the last petal in a pile of other people say that last only a rope around his neck. this is how the two distinct contexts, embodied in the two approaches are completely different.

the same thing, people who actively want to see, negative people see is confusion. similarly, a difficult, active people who want to get is how to overcome the negative people who want to get is how to escape. in fact, after the previous one and is one of two attitudes. each of us are not all do this? sometimes lofty, sometimes frustrating slump. we take a positive attitude towards life, life will return positive results we have, contrary as well.

us all on the deeds of li duan. in 1993, the 15-year-old li duan and wang, li may, chen, yu junkai and other young talents selected 15 "national basketball youth team." at the national youth team, li duancheng to main defender. national youth basketball league's dunk competition, li duan won the championship, can be expected, he will thrive. however, 18 years old, a fire extinguisher in the accidental explosion, let him blind. for a long dash in the games of youth, this fight is no different from destruction. in the original pain, despair, after li duan did not let himself get depressed, he chose a strong, positive boldly say the fate of his world of darkneadaptation, learning for the blind massage to start an independent life. in 1998, he was selected residual transport team in liaoning, XX, li duan took part in the paralympic games in sydney, in the case of injured and one bronze medal won a silver medal. XX athens paralympic games, he won two gold medals in long jump and triple jump. XX beijing paralympic games, he repeats similar success, but also won two gold medals. li duan said, "lost the light, the soul can not fall into darkness; not see the road, the pace can not stand still; fighters can hurt, but the injured soldiers are still soldiers; soldiers can fall, but soldiers will not be defeated!" . the face of a caucasian, li duan choose actively challenge, bravely beyond, finally landed a position of strength the peak of life.

u.s. masters carnegie succeis the succethat the determinants of attitude, he said, "i do know that world of men and women have the ability to overcome anxiety, fear, and a variety of diseases, as long as the change in thinking can change lives. i am 100% sure! because i witnessed such a change no lethan hundreds of times. and more to not have any doubt i would. "carnegie said a" change of mind "is actually a change in the attitude of life, an active rather than reactive.

so, how do we maintain the consistently positive attitude, so well done their own work?

when we are in times of prosperity, a positive attitude is to make their own low-key, pay attention to reflect on his lack of preventive measures. not simply be blindly optimistic, because the effect has never caused a lot of mistakes.

when we encounter difficulties, to the difficulties, actively search for solutions; when we were a setback, to correctly analyze the reasons, to start; when we were leading criticism, except to throw resistance, serious reflection, to identify and immediately correct their shortcomings; when we were comrades in a misunderstanding, we must communicate in a timely manner, rather than wanton accumulation of contradictions and views. initiative to create a good exchange for our relationships, to better collaborate together to accomplish objectives.

a positive attitude is never passive waiting, pita drag;

a positive attitude is active, rather than reactive;

a positive attitude is challenged from the reality, for change innovation;

a positive attitude is to face reality, take responsibility, whether pleasant or painful;

positive attitude is an independent, not dependent on others;

with a positive attitude is wrong, willing to take on and correct;

a positive attitude is calm and quiet, choose to control their emotions;

a positive attitude is not complaining, do not complain, not competition, because of the positive people know, these are the weak way of thinking, will only increase the suffering of their own, did not help to change the status quo, the so-called "uselefees spirit."

positive attitude is the sun of life, he illuminated our lives, our lives brighter.

colleagues, let us face all positive, we can work well done, and create a better life

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大家好! 又是一年凤凰花开的季节,又是六月硕果累累的时刻,转眼间,初一的学习生活即将拉下帷幕,期末考试的步伐也日益临近。 回望这一年的高中生活,我们走的辛苦而快乐,有过辉煌和失落,有过纵横与跌宕。我们一定还记得刚入校时所立下的雄心壮志,也一定记得在运动场上挥洒的激情与汗水,我们不会忘却在教室里努力拼搏的日夜,也不会忘记老师们孜孜不倦的教诲与关爱。一年的时光,同学们完成了一次人生的蜕变与心灵的成长,也学会了如何与优秀同行,让改变发生。 回首昨天,有太多的“家珍”可数;展望明天,我们重任在肩。 同学们,期末考试的钟声已经敲响,冲刺的号角催促着我们奋勇前行,面对日益临近的期末考试,相信同学们一定豪情满怀,信心百倍,因为再过一个月,同学们就将带着老师殷切的希望,带着父母深情的叮咛,跨进期末的考场,去书写青春岁月最绚丽的一笔,去翻开辉煌人生最精彩的一章。面对这次期末考试,我们的现实是机遇与挑战并存。在此,我也向同学们提出几点要求和建议。

首先,积极的态度决定成败。积极地面对初中生活这最后一个挑战,你会发现在准备期末考试的这段时光里,不仅有苦也有甜! 其次,自信的心态祝你成功。自信是驾驭理想的风帆,是成功的基石!成绩一时不理想并不可怕,可怕的是丧失了信心,可怕的是没走上战场就倒了下来。只要把握这宝贵的20天,我们足以能够创造奇迹! 第三,冲刺期末,努力拼搏。没有比脚更长的路,没有比人更高的山。同学们必须相信,自信和拼搏是命运的决定者。过去的努力,积淀的是知识和能力,勇敢的冲刺,迸发的是成功与喜悦。 希望同学们珍惜当下,收拾好行装,带上最锋利的头脑,怀着最细致的心灵,紧握最有力的拳头,听好复习的每一堂课,做好手中的每一道题,走好脚下的每一条路。调动起全部的智慧,凝聚起全部的热情,为一个月后的期末考试奋力拼搏。

同学们,加油吧!是船,就要搏击风浪;是浆,就要奋勇向前!让我们带着破釜沉舟、卧薪尝胆的气势,带着“长风破浪会有时,直挂云帆济沧海”的信心,用一分耕耘,赢得一分收获,以昂扬的姿态和努力的拼搏,为我们高一的学习生活画上一个圆满的句号。 最后,预祝同学们在即将到来的期末考试中取得优异的成绩! 谢谢大家!

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